
Handling and Storage of AdBlue® according to VDA Standards:

The German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) has established standards for the handling and storage of AdBlue®, which are designed to ensure that the product is stored and handled in a manner that maintains its quality and effectiveness. In this article, we will outline the VDA standards for the handling and storage of AdBlue®.

AdBlue®, also known as diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), is a urea-based solution that is used in selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in diesel engines. AdBlue® is a critical component in the efforts to reduce air pollution, and proper handling and storage of AdBlue® is essential to ensure its quality and effectiveness.

The German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) has established standards for the handling and storage of AdBlue®, which are designed to ensure that the product is stored and handled in a manner that maintains its quality and effectiveness. In this article, we will outline the VDA standards for the handling and storage of AdBlue®.

Handling of AdBlue® – VDA standards for the handling of AdBlue® include:

1.     If AdBlue® is repackaged, the new packaging must be designed such that it can be opened without additional aids. Carrying aids are desirable.

·       Container handling should be designed so that the filling procedure is simple, clean, and fast for the user.

The entire container should satisfy the following requirements:

·       They must conform with ISO 22241.

·       AdBlue® should be stored either in separate tanks or in plastic containers.

·       Alloyed steels, various synthetics and synthetic-coated metals, plastics free of additives are suitable materials for containers. Unsuitable materials include carbon steels, copper, and copper alloys. Materials not listed here should be checked for resistance to corrosion and possible influence on the product specification (cf. ISO 22241-3).

·       The new packaging and the container must be marked “AdBlue® pursuant to ISO 22241”. If labels are used, they and their printing must be resistant to both water and AdBlue®. Traceability must be secured by identification (batch) number.

·       For 5l containers the weight when full must be < 6 kg.

·       Unmistakable and recognisable vehicle connection to the vehicle, including a securing device that avoids being disconnected during the re-filling.

·       Connector system between container and vehicle’s filler pipes should prevent overfilling.

·       Clean filling must be possible; there must be no soiling by AdBlue®.

·       The system must be drip-free; the maximum spillage must be < 0.4 ml on each filling.

·       Handling should be simple and self-explanatory.

·       Instructions for use based on pictograms must be provided.

·       Ergonomic (can be held in the filling position by the consumer, possibly with one hand).

·       The containers must be easy to open; it must be possible to open the containers and the packaging by hand, without requiring the use of force and without tools.

·       Simple and quick installation of the connector system.

·       Rapid filling (minimum flow rate: 2.5 litres/min).

·       The design must prevent incorrect use.

·       Only small quantities of waste.

·       Recyclable (minimum requirement: recyclable; reusable systems are preferred).

·       The containers should discharge so that they are either completely empty or contain no more than 20 ml.

·       Cap on the container should be of correct material (e.g. HDPE), as well as the seal (e.g. heat-sealed PTFE)

Storage of AdBlue® – VDA standards for the storage of AdBlue® include:

1.     AdBlue® must be stored in containers that are designed specifically for the storage and transport of the product, and these containers should be kept in good condition.

2.     The containers must be clean and properly sealed to protect against contaminating AdBlue®.

3.     –  All surfaces that come into contact with AdBlue® should be free of foreign matter (such as oil, diesel, grease, cleaning agents, dirt and other substances).

4.     –  Materials that come into contact with AdBlue® must be free of certain substances including copper, copper alloys, carbon steels, galvanised steels, zinc, lead, silver, aluminium and aluminium alloys.

5.     Containers should be stored in a secure location to prevent unauthorized access or tampering.

6.     AdBlue® should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

7.    The temperature of the storage area should be maintained within the recommended range for AdBlue®, which is typically between 5°C and 25°C.

8.     The storage area should be designed to prevent contamination of the product, including by dust, dirt, or other debris.

9.     The storage area should be equipped with adequate ventilation to prevent the build-up of fumes or vapours.

10.  Crystal formation around the closure (more force needed to twist off cap) must not interfere with opening.

In conclusion, proper handling and storage of AdBlue® is essential to ensure its quality and effectiveness. AdBlue® must be handled with care, stored in containers designed specifically for the product, and stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. The VDA standards for handling and storage of AdBlue® provide guidance for maintaining the quality and effectiveness of the product, and are designed to protect the health and safety of those who handle and store AdBlue®.

